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How to Join

You can either call us directly or complete the email form - it really is as easy as that!

Most branches have a contact person who is willing to meet new members. If you would like, we can try to arrange for you to meet the contact.

If there is no branch in your area you are still very welcome to join, as travel expenses will be paid to enable you to attend meetings. You will also receive reports of meetings and in time we may be able to set up a branch in your area.

People who would like to become more involved can complete a questionnaire that will be sent once we have your contact details. The type of things you could get more involved in are:

  •  Attending local and national conferences and events as a  HUG representative
  •  Be elected onto the HUG Round Table (steering group)
  •  Become involved in media work or mental health awareness  training

Email us directly at

Just click the link above!




Highland Users Group
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How to Join