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This is the HUG Publications section.

Here you will find all of our publications listed under the headings on the left:

HUG Booklet
The HUG publication which tells you all about HUG.

A comprehensive list of reports written on many different topics. Some are available as web pages , others to download. Some however are only available in hard copy available on request. A few are no longer in print.

The many talks given by Graham Morgan and Emma Thomas and by other HUG members.Available as transcripts online or as downloadable files, plus audio or video in some cases.

Creative Writing
HUG produces several examples of creative written work by members. This includes our periodical, Moonstruck.

We produce regular newsletters many of which are listed here.

Media Guide
Our Media Guide contains everything you need to know about dealing with the media. From preparing a press release through to tackling issues such as stereotyping.

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  • You can read these publications online or download a PDF or Word file where these are available.

The publication section is being developed at the moment - not all of the sub-sections here have content - more will appear here soon.




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HUG Publications