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HUG Reports

Every two months the 13 branches of HUG meet to discuss local issues or a common topic, such as medication or admission to hospital. The notes from these meetings form the basis of our policies and reports.

The bedrock for the changes HUG has made are the reports that we write, which are a collation of the views of HUG on a specific subject. By looking at the problem and also the solution, and by using reasoned and reasonable argument, we end up with a document that stands with a credibility that is hard to discount.

All reports are checked with our Round Table members and then distributed through our mailing list to about 400 people.

Once they have been produced we discuss them at a meeting of our Round Table, to which we invite representatives of the Health Board, Primary Care Trust and Social Work department, among others.

A complete list of all our reports is found in the Publications section. Follow the List link.




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HUG Reports